Wednesday, April 7, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Acne Treatment - Knowing The Facts Can Help Prevent Scaring.

Several acne treatments are out there on the market promising to treat and prevent acne from forming. But the truth is, only few acne treatments are noted for effectiveness.
Technically known as acne vulgaris, this skin disorder largely affects millions of people, from different walks of life, yearly. Most of the adolescents are the usual target of this disease. In fact, it is found out that about 80 percent of the teenagers develop acne, particularly for women.
Acne has two main types: non-inflammatory and inflammatory. The non-inflammatory acne is characterized with just few whiteheads and blackheads on the face. This can be treated effectively with the nonprescription medicines. On the other hand, in the inflammatory acne, the whiteheads become inflamed which cause the development of pimples and pustules. This type is considered by many as the severe form since it can cause disfiguring deep cysts, pitting scars of the face, back, chest, and neck. For this, serious acne treatment is commonly applied with prescription drugs and sometimes surgery.
There are actually forms of acne treatment suggested by most doctors these days. One of those acne treatments is to take a nonprescription acne medicine and apply it regularly. It is often noted that over-the-counter drugs that are containing resorcinol, salicylic acid, sulfur, and benzoyl peroxide are all effective acne treatments for mild acne. Aside from such acne treatment, you can also use an ordinary hygiene on the affected portions, mainly by washing your face once or twice daily with your usual soap or cleanser. In relation to this kind of acne treatment, you should know that deodorant soaps may be applied, however, they are of no particular value for this skin disease.
However, if all those simple acne treatments or measures don't work, it is definitely the time for you to see a dermatologist. Always remember that while it might be enticing to squeeze blackheads and pick at pimples, this can certainly injure your skin and its underlying tissues. As we often observe in our friends way or our own way of treating pimples, we usually pick pimples until they bleed. Doctors generally don't advise patients not to pick pimples for it might bring some injuries and infections to your skin. It is interesting to know that some instruments are now suggested by several doctors for acne treatment. There are the comedome extractors, which are used to remove blackheads, and some of the doctors even recommend that their patients must apply such an instrument themselves. While these acne treatments work, a number of doctors would rather remove the blackheads in their own offices or clinic in order to avoid the danger of scarring. But, to avoid any possible risks caused by acne, perhaps the best way to deal with it is to ask your doctor what type of acne treatment will he/she be recommending.
There is now a myriad of products in the market that are sold for acne treatments. A number of them are clinically proven effective, while many of them are without any scientifically proven impacts. Nevertheless, blends of various acne treatments are discovered that can usually prevent the onset of acne in all but the most serious cases.


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